Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
Select the spellcasting you’d like to order using the dropdown menu above, fill out the information requested and proceed with payment. You’ll receive immediate email confirmation of the order. Within 24 hours you will receive another email from me to confirm the casting has been completed successfully and to provide you with additional details and instructions. Then just wait for your spellcasting to manifest!!
Please review the information below, as the most common questions I get are answered there!
How does this work?
What kind of magick spells do you do?
I practice a variety of magick including white, red, green and black magick. Rest assured that ALL forms of magick that I practice are safe and effective!
Can I purchase more than one spell casting and is it okay to cast multiple spells at once or will they interfere with one another?
Yes, absolutely! You can contact me via the chat function on the website, or via email directly at homeofspellcasting@gmail.com
. I’m always happy to offer a spell casting consultation via email or to answer any questions that you may have. You’re welcome to give me a brief overview of what you’d like to achieve with a spellcasting and I can make a recommendation for you.
You can purchase as many castings at a time as you like – there is no limit. It’s perfectly fine to cast them at the same time without worry of them interfering with one another. The only way castings would clash is if the goal for the casting was opposite. For example, if you ordered a spell to attract wealth and also a spell to decrease your wealth (not sure why anyone would?) then those spells would essentially ‘cancel each other out’. In all my years, I have never had this request so it’s never been an issue.
Will you help me decide which spell casting to purchase?
How much is your professional spell casting service?
Prices for my professional spellcastings start at just $35 for a simple white magic spell. Black magic spells start at $175 as they are much more involved and manifest faster as well. I also offer a Coven casting that is more expensive as it involves a coven of witches performing your casting. I offer special castings throughout the year as well that are typically higher in price.
Is this real? Does this really work?
Yes! I am a genuine spell casting professional. This is what I do for a living, as my full-time job and I have many years experience. This is not a hobby for me, although I do love it! My spell castings bring results and it’s how I have been able to stay in business for so many years.
What is your success rate for castings? When will I see results?
It took me several years to determine this because individual results do vary because everyone has a different energy.
It’s difficult to determine this because some clients never report back, so I can only assume that their casting was successful, or else they would have emailed me to let me know. Most castings manifest successfully the first time around.
Occasionally a second casting will be needed, which is why I offer this service free of charge. Stubborn energy is often the cause, though there can be other reasons why a spell did not manifest successfully. I am unable to guarantee success as I addressed in a previous question, but I do everything that I can to make sure my castings are successful when possible.
Very rarely, in less than 1% of cases, the casting will simply not manifest no matter what I try. When this does happen, it is typically because whatever result you are seeking is simply not meant to be. There is nothing that you, or I, or any other caster can do in this situation to force manifestation. All we can do is perhaps try a different casting, seeking different results.
Do you offer any guarantees?
There are never any guarantees with spell castings. Please be wary of anyone who tells you differently. As a spell caster, I am not a God nor am I in control of the Universe. I can only cast with positive intentions, using the tried and true methods I have relied on for years. I cannot guarantee you that your spell will manifest.
I can only promise you that I will offer to recast your spell for you at NO charge if it fails to manifest in the timeframe specified. Sometimes there is stubborn energy or the timing may be a little off, which is why I offer this free service. If you are looking for an iron-clad guarantee, that’s something I cannot offer you so please do not place an order if this is something that you need in order to feel comfortable.
What information do you need from me in order to do the casting?
For most castings, I need only your first name and year of birth. As I am very experienced, I need very little information in order to connect with your energy to complete the casting.
For some castings (usually ones involving relationships), I will also need the first name and year of birth of the person involved with the casting such as your ex or your crush. You’ll provide this information on the order page.
Do you share my personal information?
No! Everything you share with me is between you and me. Your information will never be publicly shared.
Refund policy
Casting a spell is more art than science, and even the best witches will not be successful every time.
This is why I am unable to guarantee results. I do my best, but ultimately I am not in control. I do not offer refunds once I have completed your spellcasting. However I am a very reasonable person, so if you are truly unhappy with your purchase or did not get the results you were hoping for, please email me with your order number and I will evaluate the situation to see if we can come to a compromise so that we’re both happy.
If you want to order my service for someone else, get their permission first!
You must be 18+ to purchase a spellcasting or have the permission of the adult whose payment method you are using to make the purchase.
Services I provide are NOT intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or to be used in place of qualified medical care. Always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner for all physical, mental, and emotional conditions. If you are feeling suicidal or at risk of harming yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately. My services are not designed to help with critical situations like that.
Legal Statement: Results may vary and spellcasting's are not guaranteed to be successful. Use my services at your own risk. For entertainment purposes only.
We do not share, sell, or distribute your contact information under any circumstances. All information shared is confidential and secure. If you offer a testimonial/review, I may post this information on my website with names, emails and personal information redacted (blacked out), unless you specifically ask me not